Helifix Masonry Repair Solutions

Helifix repair and reinforcement products, with their concealed non-disruptive installation techniques, help to preserve our built environment. They secure and strengthen all masonry structures, from houses and offices to factories and heritage sites.
Helifix remedial products are extremely versatile and have wide ranging applications. This means that individually or in combination they are able to provide rapid, reliable and cost-effective solutions to virtually all commonly occurring structural faults. Furthermore they do so in a sympathetic and non-disruptive manner that leaves the structure visually unaltered but fully stabilised.
Leviat is continually developing our range of Helifix wall ties, which accommodate modern methods of construction. Fixing solutions are available for timber frame construction, securing masonry directly to inner leaf blocks or panels, extending or securing new walls to existing walls and fixing timber or MDF to masonry.

- Reconnecting separated walls
- Crack stitching
- Tying walls to joists
- Repairing masonry arches
- Securing parapet walls
- Adding strength and ductility
- Creating masonry beams
- Tying veneers to new structural walls
- Seismic upgrades
- Retrofitting wall ties
- Bridge repairs and strengthening
- Repairs of bay windows
- Repairing brick arch lintels
- Reconnecting internal walls with external walls
- Repairing or creating flat arch lintels
- Creating movement joints
In addition to product and safety datasheets, Leviat offers a comprehensive range of standard repair details comprising drawings, method statement and recommended tooling.
Call us on 1300 66 70 71, or alternatively, email your enquiry to sales.helifix.au@leviat.com