New software from Ancon simplifies the design of our KSN Anchor rebar continuity system in wall to slab construction joints, providing safer, faster concrete connections on site. The KSN system comprises internally-threaded anchors which are cast into the wall and, during construction of the adjoining slab, accept continuation bars prepared with an Ancon BT parallel-thread. Calculating to the requirements of AS 3600 / NZS 3101, the KSN software provides designs for moment connections and tension only applications. A simple interface enables users to input a range of project-specific data with the joint detail automatically shown to scale on screen providing an instant visual check of accuracy. The user selects a preferred KSN Anchor, with the program automatically calculating other suitable anchor sizes and lengths from the range and any additional reinforcement requirements. This analysis enables the designer to choose the most appropriate, cost-effective system for their application. Find out more Download the software  |